Former Union County Commissioner Tom McCarthy Announces Bid for Commissioner in 2024

For Immediate Release
December 4, 2023

Contact: Tom McCarthy

(UNION COUNTY) – Today, former Union County Commissioner Tom McCarthy (R-Marysville) announced that he has filed petitions as he seeks to return the Commission in 2024. McCarthy served as a Union County Commissioner from 1997-2010, where he collaborated with fellow commissioners and elected officials to spearhead innovative strategies to save money, improve public safety, and refine customer service across the county. He is running for the seat currently held by Commissioner Dave Burke, who is not seeking re-election.

McCarthy has been a businessman and community leader in our county for more than 40 years. He is the founder of McCarthy & Cox Retirement and Estate Specialists, founder and president of Second Chances of Union County, member of the board of director s Care Train of Union County, and active with the Union County Chamber of Commerce and Marysville Schools.

Commissioner McCarthy expressed excitement for the campaign and is eager to continue working with people across the county to employ conservative approaches to the county’s most pressing issues. The following quote can be attributed to Tom McCarthy:

“When I previously served as a Union County Commissioner, our board successfully tackled many difficult challenges. I’m running again in the March 2024 Republican Primary with the goal of using my experience as a county commissioner, successful business owner, and community leader to meet today’s challenges of managing growth, keeping our families and community safe, and guiding the important investments that secure our community’s good jobs and quality of life. No one person can claim sole responsibility for the commissioners’ successes, but I am proud to have been part of a team that has met many challenges head on, and I respectfully seek the opportunity to do it once again!

During his time as a commissioner, he was proud to help extend water and sewer lines into Jerome Township, rallied public support to stop Darby Refuge’s plan to confiscate thousands of acres of prime farmland, and to develop the Public Safety Office (PSO) program with the sheriff’s office and township trustees. The program cross-trained deputies as firefighters and emergency responders to shorten response times, saving lives and improving public safety.

McCarthy resides in Marysville with his wife. They have several adult children and young grandchildren. For more information, visit
